Wednesday, January 23, 2013

40 Days of Prayer - Day#17

I'll never forget a bus ride to school one morning when I was in first grade.  Most of the time, I was by myself.  But on this day, my 17 year old brother had to take the bus to school.  My brother sat towards the back of the bus with the older and cooler kids.  I had to hang out in the middle near a sixth grader who loved to pick on me.

If this sixth grader had any sense at all, he would have recognized my brother's size.  But like clockwork he began to pick.  Somewhere between home and school this menace decided to grab me by my coat.  Dumb move.  Faster than I can type this sentence, my brother had the bully on the floor of the bus and told him to never touch me again.  Yep, it was awesome.

Just like my brother had my back then, I know that God always has my back.  I'm reminded of the Israelites marching through the Red Sea on dry ground with the Egyptians hot on their tale.  God fought for them and single handedly won the battle.  When I pray for help, God with His army of angels is their to fight on my behalf.  So just as I had no reason to fear a bully 30 years ago, I don't have to fear the fights that are ahead of me.  God will fight for me!

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