Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No Frogs for Me

I was reading Exodus 8 a few days ago and came upon the story of the plagues. The second plague that God unleashed on Egypt and Pharoh was that of the frogs. We are told that the Nile swarmed with frogs. They were literally everywhere. And when Moses gave Pharoh the choice of when to be relieved of this disaster, Pharoh said "tomorrow."

Now there is a dangerous word. Tomorrow. Instead of choosing to end the plague right away, Pharoh, in a fit of pride, chose to sleep with the frogs. Crazy, huh? Why not end it there? Why not admit defeat? Why not do the right thing right now? Such is the human condition - constantly putting off till tomorrow what we should be doing today.

As I reflected upon my own life, I began to rack up a long list of important things that I had put off. Yes, I have a good excuse right now to put some things off until later, but there is always some excuse readily available. One of those things was quite simple. For quite a while, I had wanted to have a family devotion time. Instead of the three of us reading our Bible's and praying separately, I thought it would be best to set a time for all of us to spend that time together.

It was time to stop saying "tomorrow" and make it happen. So, on Sunday night, we all had our Bibles and read together. We closed our time with a prayer. Monday night came, and at 8:30 (our designated time), we came together again for time with God. It felt good to stop saying tomorrow. It felt good to do the right thing today.

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