A couple weeks ago, I went to the theatre with two kids and watched the Lego Movie. I laughed so hard and had so much fun! Throughout this movie, the song, "Everything is Awesome" was sung by the many glorious lego figures. Not surprisingly, my son and I sang that song over and over again for the next few days until my wife nearly lost her mind.
As I keep thinking back to this movie and the joy and laughter that flowed out of that theatre, I wondered if living in a lego world is even possible? Let's face it, the night news is 28 minutes of not-so-awesome followed by a 2 minute story of inspiration or humor. So is Legoland only in California? Is it only found on the carpet of our kids rooms?
I love the fourth chapter of Philippians where an amazing man named Paul said, "Rejoice and again I say rejoice!" Cheesy? Unrealistic? Maybe at first glance. But what's crazy is that Paul was sitting in prison with an uncertain future (possible death) when he penned those words two thousand years ago. Where did this joy come from? The knowledge that God is real, loves us unconditionally and wants a relationship with us. So much that he gave is son Jesus Christ and had him die a terrible death so we could experience the pure joy of living without sin and shame. Now that is awesome.
Maybe living in a lego world where "everything is awesome" is a little out of touch and slightly annoying (just ask my wife). But trust me, a life surrendered to Christ and lived out with pure joy is worth building.
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