Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's Raining, It's Pouring

Last Thursday I traveled to Holdrege to pick up Jackson from his Aunt's. I arrived at dinner time so we enjoyed a pizza hut feast before we left. I thought I would let Jackson play a while longer before we took off, but the weather had different plans. Shortly after dinner, it started pouring outside. I had not checked the forecast and my family didn't have TV yet, so I made a split second decision - leave quickly and try to get ahead of the weather.

Once we left Holdrege, the rained stopped and I thought my strategy worked. However, once I reached Kearney, the sky began to look very scary. I stopped for gas and ran in quickly with Jackson for a pit stop. On my way out I heard the clerk's radio and the storm warning identified the monsoon just outside of Gibbon. I knew it would be close, but pressed on.

Twenty minutes later, the storm had slowed traffic to about 50mph. The hail and wind kicked in and forced me and other drivers to the shoulder for more than a few minutes. When I first pulled over, I turned to Jackson (who was finding it impossible to go to sleep) and told him to pray to Jesus for help. He did. And with every question about the rain and when it would stop, I asked him to pray, and he did. Before long, Jackson was praying without my prompting, and it became obvious that he was calmer than I was. I know he was unaware of how bad the storm was, but I was still amazed. His childlike faith was growing right before my eyes and not only did it comfort me, but it inspired me. No matter what the storm, I hope my faith can be 2 years old a lot more in the future.


PJ and Cori said...

Sounds like you should have stuck around Holdrege a little longer with those great people who fed you!!

The Ingraldi Family said...

I too have been humbled by childlike faith. It amazes me when God speaks truth through Kati - truths I have known for years but need gentle reminders. It definitely gets my attention.

J Reed said...

So, that was a great story about faith and all... but what kind of pizza did you guys eat??