My two year old and I share a love for Jelly Beans. We both love Jelly Bellies in particular. In fact, I have a special container for Jelly Bellies on my chest of drawers. She knows that they are up there and that she can earn them when she helps around the house.
About a week ago, my daughter came running from the bedroom with jelly beans in her hand. I couldn't believe it. How did she manage to grab them? Then she reminded me that my prayer bench was next to the chest of drawers and that she must have used it as a make-shift ladder. I was impressed by her problem solving skills but had to relocate the jelly beans to the other side of the chest of drawers.
Later, I reflected on my daughter's use of the prayer bench. I felt a nudge by God that I needed to be using my prayer bench more. My daughter had utilized it for a sugar fix but I had to be reminded that it was there. Now, when I look at the jelly beans, I have a great reminder from my daughter about where I need to be each day.